Every high school student must travel to Europe. Parents, relatives, and your community such as members of a church or synagogue should plan and negotiate a pact to subsidize their teenagers.

In exchange for studying expeditiously and graduating triumphantly from high school, make plans for college.

The high school years represent a pivotal stage of a teenager’s life. Be that as it may, students get to blend fun with transitional learning experiences when they tour Europe.

Practically speaking, this is when exploration and discovery are most desirable during their formidable years.

Teenagers get their first whiff of responsibility, budgeting, and make their own decisions. The parents get struck by a bolt of lightning about how it feels to temporarily lose a child “out of the cradle” as a permanent date arrives a few years later.

If a high school student wants to travel to Europe, then it should be facilitated. Scratch that!

Every high school student must travel to Europe!

Second Chance

If your teenager got into college or any formal training institution, it’s your last chance to “earn your salt.” Take it from another perspective, you are a parent who deserves to be respected or admired for successfully grooming a teenager into a young adult. Subsidize the trip to Europe. Check to see if the college or formal training institution has an international studies-abroad program.

Opportunities for Personal Growth should always be Encouraged

Honestly, learning from textbooks is boring. Picking up anything from teachers that have never toured Europe is excruciatingly dull.

Classroom presentations and countless digital slide shows pale in comparison to what students can gain through real-life encounters, up close and personal. Through it all, a more rounded personality evolves.

Perhaps a deeper commitment to homework?
Perhaps the first thoughts will emerge about working towards a bountiful career?

Isn’t it less expensive in the long run to gently nudge your teenager out of the house?

Relish the Opportunities and Chances to venture into Tantalizing Exploration

It is impossible to travel to Europe, gain practical knowledge and experience, and not come back feeling more confident and wholesome than ever before.

Meeting new people fearlessly representing different cultures, perspectives, and encountering unfamiliar settings would produce many exciting episodes. An envious mini-series could not compete against that!

Your active participation would turn into a major contribution causing exponential growth.

Here comes a reality check. When traveling through Europe, teenagers from any part of the world will quickly realize that the news and opinions originating from Europe do not match those vociferous opinions of the community they came from.

Peer pressure from other high school students, and their noisy opinions, fly out the door.

In fact, how many people will ever travel beyond the borders of their village, city, state, or country?

Everyone has their own unique perspectives on things and how life should be. However, people become more rounded as they surround themselves with uncharted personalities and different ideologies.

Tolerance becomes a positive attribute. There is no way to put the benefit of gaining a global perspective in words.

During a tour of London, Paris, Rome, Moscow, or Prague, you will have a rare chance to meet travelers from other parts of the world.

In the spirit of discovery, diplomatically engage in conversation with them. Let’s see how you do. Post your comments below. Regardless of where people originate, they want to love, embrace peace, and thrive on happiness in an abundant world.

Get out of your Comfort Zone

It is strongly recommended to travel through Europe with a verified tour guide from the United States. However, do not go with the local church or community group. Don’t huddle with classmates. Heck no.

And whatever you do, don’t get stuck in “group-think” with your tour group.

Win new friends that may last forever!

Fun and Exploration Abroad

Let’s pretend you are already in Europe. For sure, visit historical sites and famous museums. Order cuisine that you have never tasted before. Do it at least one time before you change your mind.

Indulge in a glass of wine which is okay to sample in Europe but drink responsibly. Be safe with a group that you trust. Do yourself a favor. Do not stray away from your trusted group!

If at all possible, visit Constantinople, one of the most remarkable cities in the world. Turkey is a transcontinental country that bridges between Europe and Asia. You will have to travel through Eastern Europe to get there. The trek will force you to study history while traveling on your amazing journey.

Upon your return, Europe will always serve unforgettable memories. Why would you ever deny yourself something that is going to permanently change you, hopefully for the better, for the rest of your honorable life?

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